Showing posts with label Evil Twin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evil Twin. Show all posts

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ji-Gumo Trailer

Hey everyone just thought I'd post the video of my Ji-Gumo trailer. Took a while but I like how it turned out. Enjoy.

Also good work to everybody who contributed to Eclipse, top job.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eclipse Ji-Gumo Game Poster

The character poster of the Ji-Gumo. Poster assignment for Game Art.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ji-Gumo Model and Skull Screenshots

Some screenshot examples of the Ji-Gumo with the Skull, I will be doing this as part of the 3D animation assignment.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ji-Gumo Skull Complete

Done and Done! 8D
The completed Ji-Gumo skull post, I do notice some splodgey bits of texture but so far I'm pleased with how the process is.
Right-o, just some idea of the actual texture of it, I made it look a lot more ancient and old then an ordinary ji-gumo skull and I made the tusks look all rotten-like for effect.

Update: Tried to blend the top part of the skull with texturing so it doesnt look out of place.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ji Gumo Skull Object Update

Quick update on my skull, I've done some more work on it, stuck it on a log post and will have the sign on it (the green tile) edited and such later as well as the skull. Will have some type of danger text or picture on it.

Ji Gumo Skull Object

Skull of a Ji-Gumo that will be balanced on a stick. It will be a kind of warning sign that there are wild Ji-gumo about and other creatures. So be careful.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Some ideas

A few concept ideas for the volanic desert level. A skull of a Ji-Gumo stuck on a stick, could be a trophy of some sort or a warning that there are wild Ji-Gumo about with other creatures that could be lurking also.
Also I have the volcano and made a hive inside it, I havent got much info about it except creatures use it to transport around or live within it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Volcanic-Desert Island Object Concepts

Haven't posted anything in a while but I have here a few objects for one of the levels. Drew up a Rune along with a fossil, could have something nifty to do with them?
The bone I drew up could possibly be a tool or weapon of some sort which ever one works for the best.
Bit of dead grass and lastly a Geyser, just a simple sketch of one , probably make it look more kick-ass within process.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ji Gumo Complete

Hey people. The process of the Ji Gumo creature is completed with texture and animations all finished. Did always find some error on the creature especially with the movement and it was always around the webbing part between its arms and body and boy did I have fun fixing that throughout the holidays but in the end I'm pretty sure I got it and looked okay, so walah! 8D. (If theres is any need for enhancements to it then give us a shout)

P.S Also to explain the absences of myself and Liam (Twininator) we were both pretty sick especially near the end of the holiday but it really kicked him and I in the rear today.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ji Gumo

The progress of the Ji Gumo creature, I managed to get the animations for it done just editing them to suit it's body movement. Do have some tiny problems with the actual model on the biped but no more than a few tweeks here and that will fix it, other than that it's going great. Update again soon.
Will show images of it once the animation progress is all completed.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ji-Gumo Rigged and UV's

Update on the creature. I finished all the rigging with a biped but with a few little bits still to tweek around, also the UV mapping is completed and soon going to take into photoshop and color in the creature.
Preview of it in the image with the skin and biped, standing on its hind legs.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ji Gumo - Biped

Ji-Gumo update, started working on the biped and going good so far.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ji-Gumo Update

Here we go people, the model and model sheets of the Ji-Gumo, hoping to take this model into further detail soon.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ji-Gumo Action Sheet.

These are a few of the basic actions that I could picture the Ji-Gumo doing.

I did two taunts with the first one being a sort of defense action against a predator if it feels threatened, it stands on it's two hind legs and move its front legs forward as a warning before it might stab you.

Taunt 2 - howling; if one gets lost from the pack or being attacked it will howl for help and soon more Ji-Gumo's will come to its aid.

The walking action; It will step out with its entire shoulder going along with the movement of the leg, as if it were strutting fromt the front.

The running/leap action is exactly what it means; when the creature feels the need to move faster it will begin to leap forward, it pushes itself by kicking off the ground with its back legs and uses its front legs to pull it forward.

Attack; I have done the basic attack it would do and making it stab with it's claw, this isn't it's only attack but this will be used more often.

Rest; whenever a Ji-Gumo is in need of rest or just wants to be lazy it will lay on the floor and cross its front legs together and rest it's head on top of them. (Much like a dog when you see them lying down.)

(Edit, this is for any confusion on where the tusks are, they are on the model sheets but the sketches were a rough design, they will be added later.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ji-Gumo Model Process

Iv'e started to model the Ji-Gumo and this is the basic shape of it. I do notice there is a few mishapen parts on it but will tweek around them later.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Final Version of the Ji-Gumo creature.
I am currently working on the model sheets for it, a working progress.

The creature will usually be seen in packs and on some occasions they will be wandering around alone but most of the time in packs.
I still have the current two choices of attacks with it using its two front legs and tusks, both doing some damage to any threat. It's skull can also do damage if something hit's it in the head, it is very tough to break and it wouldn't be wise to try with bare hands.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Creature Update - Ji-Gumo

(click image to see larger version)
The Ji-gumo.
This is an update of my creature with a few new features to it. I have the one on the left with a an eyeball where the one on the right is one of the eye drawings Ozy has drawn up, so yeah couldn't think of which one to use so I though I'd just post them both (I will also draw up more with different color's, just for now I made it a yellow with a bit of brown^^)
Little detail. I got the name of this creature from the name of a spider called a Atypus Karschi, a spider that lives in Japan, Taiwan and China. In Japan it's called 'Ji-Gumo'.
I have it attacking in two ways, either with it's tusks that are connected to the skull on it's head which is a tough to break. It's second attack it will use it's two front legs which can stab deep into flesh.
All the details I can give for now, will update again soon.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Un-named Creature Update

My creature, still codenamed Chicken-Foot. The head of it is made of bone and it's very tough to break, it uses its tusks and clawed feet to attack.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Un-Named Creature

Creature (ChickenFoot?)
My first sketch at a creature. There is no head yet since I have a lot of ideas for a head so I focused on working with body today.